Friday, 22 January 2016

Dealing with losses


Loss: emotional, physical, economical, biological,,,,, the list is long. As many gains, as many losses. It is a natural phenomenon, that what is gained has to be lost, now or later. Nothing stays forever. Everything and everyone is transient.

But the question that arises is, while travelling our journeys, we stick to certain things, certain people, certain places, certain habits. So how to move on, when these are gone? All we are left with, are the memories. And more or less, agonies as well!  'Cause realisation of any loss is the cause of pain. I was struck with this thought in the movie 'The Fault In Our Stars'; it had a dialogue: 'Pain demands to be felt'. Woh! These words are ocean in a pot!

Yet life goes on. We have to live with smile on our faces and peace in our hearts. But how? So here my friend, lies the art. Art of how to stay calm even in all the times of opposing circumstances. Our smile ought not be fake, but the peace and content, must gleam in our eyes. This can be accomplished only by acceptance. Acceptance of the truth, no regrets; since what is over is over. You cannot retrieve the lost. You'll no doubt remember the lost, but don't let it accompany with it, the pain. Rather remember things positively. And work forward to attain larger goals, farther aims. 'Cause what's gone is gone. Weeping about it will only help you with more loss. No one has ever achieved a thing by keep moaning about the gone. Instead, learn from the past; all the previous experiences. Let them guide you, to lead a life with all new dimensions; irrespective of the past. Let your loss cause you gain; by becoming a guiding force rather than a crying force! Let it strengthen you. Let the darkness be followed by a bright dawn illuminating your path.

Friends, this is the only way out. Else, weeping is only going to steal your peace of mind during the times of rest & all your zeal during the times of work!

This was my take on 'loss'. If it helps you in any way, even minutely, then my writing the article will succeed. You may give your views and reviews in the comments below.

Keep reading and sharing good vibes :)


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