Thursday 7 March 2019

When all is right, what is wrong?


Have your felt that anxiety? Although life is going as per planned. You are doing what you ought to do. From dawn to dusk and dusk till dawn. Your machinery is working as it is supposed to be. But still, do you feel that anxiety? Why such disorder in a perfect order? Why such commotion?

Maybe the order itself is a chaos. A discourse which you're trained to believe since your being, about what is truth, what is right, how you ought to be, what you ought to be. Then you traverse those same trodden paths, in the same manner as you are made to believed right. Or maybe you have given yourself ultimatum. A set of targets, a set of desires, for which you're working day in and day out. Nonetheless of the veracity of how important all that is for you to pursue your dreams, you still have apprehensions sometimes. Isn't it? But what I'm doing is important and any other idea is a waste of time. We've imprisoned ourselves in the cage of do's and don'ts.

When all is right, what is wrong? Why then a sudden acceleration of heartbeats? Why a rupture of some unnamed emotions? Why after all, you miss something or somebody, or worse you sometimes even don't know what you're missing. When you don't know the disease, how on Earth will you treat it. This is not the end, there's more to it. What if you don't know that your ill? Many of us, many a times, don't even realize that something is out of sync. You refuse to accept what you feel. You force yourself to believe that the problem lies within you. It is 'you' who needs to be more focused rather than being distracted since you know what you're doing is right and ofcourse important. This is the rationale your mind keeps you fooling with whenever you're heart yearns for a change and guess what? You end up aggravating the problem even more!

How about having a pause. Perfection is itself imperfect! So why the hell are we chasing for it! It's okay to not be in sync at times. It's okay to have a break. With no aims, no plans, no apprehensions, no chains. How about stepping out of your hustle and having a poise? How about exploring more about your own self, your being. Everybody has his/her ways. How about writing, or painting, or dancing, or singing, or shrieking, or walking, or running, or jogging, or playing an instrument, or making a random call to a random friend, or catching a train and travel to some old familiar or some unfamiliar place, or watching children play in their slums, or how about abusing your best friend and laugh out loud till die! The list is long. But a little of anything in a while can help you discover your true order, or rather disorder! Find yourself and let yourself not get lost, in the hustle bustle of your life. It's okay to have a date with self sometimes. I guarantee you'll enjoy your company!