Wednesday 10 April 2019

Be A Better You

BLOG #19

Do you see demons around catching you? Or are these monsters the reflections of your own insecurities? Yes! You are the creator of all that's not okay, 'cause if things are not then they are the outcome of your perceptions and manipulations. It's a brain game!

If you recall a simple experiment from your school physics, of how the iron pieces automatically got aligned in a certain pattern when you put a magnet below. When you had reversed it's orientation, the pattern also got reversed. Doesn't this cosmo work around the same principle? All types of energies around you, and you align them as per your will. Doesn't this explain the status of any person in their lives? Isn't that why some people from extraordinarily bad circumstances turn to be the legends while some even with all the favourable condition are in a state of continuous downfall.

Be the most powerful magnet for the vibrations around. Be the manipulator. Work out the energies around you in the direction of your choice, your desires. Let them act as a positive feedback and let yourself grow. Let go of ifs and buts. Of oughts and ought nots keeping just single purpose - 'Striving to be a better me' and just wait for the magic. Cause there is no going down, no looking back, no failures. At the end even if you didn't reach where you destined to,  you'll be a better you. And this exactly is what the catch of life. It throws you with random surprises turning meandering your straight paths, you in turn turn it's challenges against itself by moulding those meanders for your benefits. Be a clever player. Be an artist of life!

Be a better you!